Let it Bleed is a companion blog to Midnight Rambler. Whereas Rambler contains extended opinion pieces and is only updated a few times a year, Bleed will be short and sharp and updated rather more frequently. I don't think there will be any real consistency of topics. Maths, science, education, music, TV, news, whatever. I would expect posting frequency to be once a week, with a typical length one or two paragraphs.
Whence the name? Let it Bleed is the name of the excellent 1969 Rolling Stones album that contains the song Midnight Rambler.
Why the let-it-bleeed URL? Well, letitbleed and let-it-bleed are both occupied by abandoned blogs. (Check 'em out; they're both good for a chuckle and will take a few minutes to consume wholesale.) I just took what I could get.
Monday, January 21, 2008
Introducing Let it Bleed
Posted by GS at 3:23 PM